Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Ponytail Fern - Day 1

Here is the Ponytail Fern I got today. I believe that it is a sub-type of the Yucca plants, but it looks like a fern. It is a succulent (relative to cacti). Yucca's in general a high concentration of saponin in its roots and leaves, which can be used as a type of soap. Also, the leaves are supposed to be good as a cordage.

I chose the Ponytail Fern, as it is supposed to be a decent indoor plant, and I live in an apartment, so it is good when such things work out. Right now, I am trying to just teach myself the art of growing/tending plants. My eventual plans is to get a place and teach myself gardening and plant tending; but if I can start getting better at raising plants indoors, then I should have a jump on things when I get to the point of tending plants out of doors. Anyways, this is an experiment and a hobby, so there will be a learning curve. Good night folks.

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